We are all in this together

Hello there,

It really has been an intense week or so both here in Australia and around the world.

My hope is that if we all play our part in this, and listen to guidance from trusted sources, such as Dr Norman Swan, then the spread of corona virus can be slowed down, and our health workers on the frontline will be able to better manage the situation.

In light of this, from Wednesday 18th March, Herbaceous will conduct naturopathic appointments via phone / Facetime / Skype or Zoom (your choice).

I decided to do this to reduce the amount of foot traffic coming into the clinic, and therefore hopefully minimise the spread of germs.

Thankfully, due to the wonders of technology, I can conduct my business in this way.

Rest assured, you will still receive the same level of care and support, and, once things return to normal, I will be back in the clinic for face to face appointments.

I also have some incredibly supportive helping hands at clinic, so dispensing of remedies can still go ahead.  You will be able to collect your remedies from reception, or alternatively, if you are unable to come in, they can be mailed out to you.

A reminder that Herbaceous is offering short immune system focused consultations (30 minutes) to support your wellbeing and immune health.

For bookings, call reception on (03) 9502 0650 or email me , and mention “Immune consult” at the time of booking.

***Please note, more complex cases may require a longer appointment.

We are all in this together

I felt to remind you that in times like this, community is so important, and we are all in this together.

Do reach out and ask for help if you need it.  Let’s dispel some of the fear and anxiety, and support one another.

Here are some easy tips to help you along:
  1. Check in regularly on your neighbours and loved ones.  Offer them home made food, some toilet rolls (!), or simply have a chat.
  2. Is it just me, or have you also found “social distancing” to be challenging?  By nature I want to hug those I care about, and shake the hand of someone I have just met.  Just because we can’t physically touch people, it doesn’t mean we have to feel distant from them!
  3. Maintain a sense of humour! I have been laughing at some hilarious videos on social media, especially those coming out of Italy. It is so uplifting to see people in villages and cities keeping one another buoyant with humour, music and singing during this really difficult time. Here is one of my favourites! Listen to your Nonna
  4. Streaming services such as Netflix, Disney, ABC I-view and SBS On Demand have some wonderful shows. And You-tube some funny videos. Try to choose uplifting shows to keep those feel good neurotransmitters firing! And remember to keep your social media / screen time, and news watching in check.
  5. Like many of us, I have been closely following the unfolding news about the virus.  What I have noticed is that focusing on the fear only feeds feelings of anxiety, insecurity and panic.  In the last couple of days, I have made a concerted effort to stay informed via reputable sources, and then get on with my day, and focus on staying as calm and in the moment as I can.  This has really helped.
  6. It is likely that we will all be spending more time at home, so be sure to keep exercising, moving and meditating.  Again, there are countless places online to find free videos to help you along.
  7. Spend plenty of time in nature, be around animals and plants if you can, and lap up the sunshine to boost your levels of vitamin D, and elevate your mood.  You might like to re-read my post from a while ago, To tree or not to tree.   although a few of the points about being in public spaces will need to be modified for the time being.
  8. As per my post last week, focus on keeping your immune system strong by eating healthy foods, drinking herbal teas, and getting plenty of rest. And most importantly, keep stress in check. Stress weakens your energy and immune system, so really try to make an extra effort to rest, sleep and keep calm.

If you have any questions or concerns, then do get in touch.

I would also love your feedback on ways that you are keeping calm and carrying on; and tips about funny videos and shows are most welcome too!

I will sign off now with this beautiful Buddhist saying:

“In a pandemic, self-isolation is called quarantine. In Buddhism, it is called retreat. From the cave of our home, like the meditators of ancient times, we can consciously kindle the lamp of compassion and connection.”

~ Lama Willa Miller

Stay well out there,

Gabriella x


Image via Instagram page: My Bearded Pigeon

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